Total budget
month duration
European Union funding
final MW capacity
countries involved
Hydrogen is crucial for overcoming anthropogenic CO2 emissions and to transit to a renewable energy system. The European long term decarbonisation strategy (LTS) “A Clean Planet for All” refers to the potential key role of hydrogen. An enormous challenge lies ahead in rapidly upscaling currently available technologies to GW-scale.
The aim of the GreenHyScale project is to pave the way for large-scale production of green hydrogen by developing a 100 MW (Megawatt) electrolysis plant that will be tested in GreenLab, Denmark, and can be replicated worldwide, both onshore and offshore, in line with the EU’s hydrogen strategy and offshore renewable energy strategy.
The focus of GreenHyScale is to create a replicable solution for companies in both Denmark and the rest of Europe – replicability is key to the dissemination of green hydrogen.
The results of GreenHyScale will have an immense impact on achieving the necessary scale for technological advancement and will contribute to lowering the levelled cost of hydrogen towards cost parity with fossil fuels helping accelerate Europe’s path to carbon neutrality by 2050.

Develop and manufacture 6MW alkaline electrolysers modules
First, the project partner, Green Hydrogen System, will develop and manufacture optimised 6 MW alkaline electrolysers modules which will be tested for 12 months at GreenLab (project coordinator), a green and circular industrial park, technology enabler and research centre located in Skive, Denmark.

Module powered by SymbiosisNet 80 MW of on-site renewable energy
In doing so, the GreenHyScale project will benefit from SymbiosisNet - a smart energy and data network that in the future will allow companies to share their surplus energy and resources. The modules will be powered by a combination of 80 MW on-site renewables. This will allow to define and demonstrate the best practice system integration on coupled electrolyser modules .

Develop forecasting software to optimise energy production
As GreenHyScale aims to produce green hydrogen, the project will rely on electricity from renewable sources. To achieve this, renewable energy sources need to be flexible to cope with variable energy production. For this reason, the GreenHyScale project will develop forecasting software to optimise energy production and guarantee a production plan perfectly adapted to high renewable energy production and low energy prices.

Operate an integrated 100 MW alkaline electrolyser
Then, the GreenHyscale project will optimally operate an integrated 100 MW alkaline electrolyser in GreenLab, Denmark, and reach TRL9 .
Develop, test and validate a high-pressure 7.5 MW module intended for offshore use
Finally, the GreenHyScale project will develop, test and validate a high-pressure 7.5 MW module intended for offshore use based on the electrolyser platform operating at a minimum 80 bar and 1000 mA/cm2 .
- Demonstrate feasible operation of 100 MW-scale electrolysis and the use of produced hydrogen in an application valorising its renewable character
- Evaluate and conduct operational experience of the contractual and material arrangements required to supply hydrogen to specific markets
- Assess feasibility to connect the electrolyser to a production site of renewable sources
- Conduct technical assessment and best practices
- Evaluate the environmental performance of the system
- Evaluate potential ecological and societal benefits
Operational and environmental
- Establish a European industry capable of developing novel hundreds of MW electrolyser
- Increase the efficiency of the electrolyser reaching an energy consumption of 49 (ALK) to 52 (PEM) kWh/kg H2
- Increase the current density to at least 0,5A/cm2 (ALK) or 3A/cm2 (PEM) and delivery pressure to 30 bar
- Reduce the plant’s footprint by 30% and the electrolyser CAPEX by 20%
- Increase the stack lifetime with a degradation target of 0.12%/1000 hours (ALK) and 0.19%/1000 hours (PEM)
- Improve the overall efficiency valorising also by-product heat
Cost competitiveness
- Demonstrate a compelling economic and environmental case, including boundary conditions, for key applications such as transport, energy storage, raw material (hydrogen and oxigen) or heat and power production
- For a LCOE of up to EUR 40/MWh (renewable sources), achieve a significant cost reduction of the green hydrogen compared to the price at the time of proposal submission striving for below EUR 3/kg
Additional impacts
- Assess the legislative and Regulations, Codes, and Standards (RCS) implications of these systems and any issues identified obtaining consents to operate the system
- Recommend policy makers and regulators on measures helping to maximise the value of renewable energy and stimulate the market for renewables-electrolyser systems
WP1 - Experience from hydrogen demonstration projects and requirements for upscaling
WP Leader: Equinor
The main objectives of Work Package 1 include reviewing experience and lessons learnt from electrolyser plants, identifying the requirements for the project’s hydrogen production plant, and exploring new hydrogen applications for offshore users and grid balancing services.
WP2 - Control System and SymbiosisNet integration
Work Package 2 will provide the planning and control platform at the global plant level. The goals of the work package are:
- Deploying an operational remote supervision platform
- Anticipate upstream flows, develop robust forecast algorithms
- Simulating the pant systems accurately
- Adapting control and planning to tackle RES inputs variability, grid services and hydrogen demand
- Optimizing the global efficiency of the plant
WP3 - Development, manufacturing and test of the electrolyser platform
The objective of Work Package 3 is to complete the development of Green Hydrogen Systems’ multi-MW alkaline electrolyser platform, as well as manufacture a 6.5 MW electrolyser prototype. In addition, this module will be tested at Green Hydrogen Systems’ factory before installation at GreenLab Skive.
WP4 - Enhanced high-pressure 7.5 MW electrolyser for offshore use
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy AS will lead Work Package 4, focusing on creating a new product base on the multi-MW modular electrolyser platform. The new module will be capable of operating at pressure above 80 bars and will also operate at 100 mA/cm2, thereby increasing the maximum power consumption of the module to 7.5 MW.
WP5 - Preparation and validation of the demonstration activities
Work Package 5 is dedicated to the planning, preparation, and execution of the physical demonstration site activities, including necessary approvals and all necessary supplies from GreenLab´s SymbiosisNet. In addition, the WP will also address the commercial part of the project. Including:
- Project’s business plan, including investment and funding plans
- Hydrogen off-take (on site and export)
- Usage of by-products
- Go/no go decision for 100MW plant.
WP6 - On-site demonstration of the 100 MW electrolyser
The objective of Work Package 6 is to demonstrate the capability of installing and operating a large-scale RES-based electrolysis production site. The GreenHyScale demonstration activities at the facility of GreenLab Skive will last 24 months and provide continuous insights on how to enhance and ameliorate the operation.
WP7 – Environmental, social, economic and policy assessment
During WP7, our partners at Imperial College London will evaluate the sustainability of the project and its interactions with environmental, socio-economic, social and regulatory aspects. The outcome of this Work Package will provide fundamental insights on the integration of the GreenHyScale Skive 100MW electrolyser in its local environment, as well as continuous material for replicability perspectives of the project towards GW-scale.
WP8 – Replicability and exploitation strategy
Work Package 8 is fundamental for the project’s long-term impact. It aims at paving the way towards the European target of 510 GW of green hydrogen production capacity by 2050, by strongly supporting the replicability of the renewables-powered alkaline electrolyser. The replicability plan will ensure the commercial development of both onshore and high-pressure offshore GreenHyScale technologies. WP 8 will focus on:
- Establishing a European Industrial Replicability Board;
- Defining a roadmap and commercial plan for very large-scale deployment of green hydrogen production;
- Drafting of a comparative analysis of the various hydrogen market opportunities; and
- Identifying the characteristics for optimisation of hydrogen production in industrial parks.
WP9 – Communication, dissemination and knowledge sharing
Work Package 9 will focus on communication, dissemination and knowledge sharing activities in order to maximize the project’s visibility and impact, as well as help achieve the objectives of several other Work Packages through dedicated communication and dissemination campaigns.
WP10 - Project Management
The objective of Work Package 10 is the overall coordination, the administrative, financial and contractual management of the GreenHyScale project in order to ensure effective and efficient progress of its activities.
WP11 - Ethics requirements
Work Package 11 will ensure compliance of the GreenHyScale project with the “ethic requirements” set out during this WP for its activities.