Last week our project attended Folkemødet – one of the major public and political events in Denmark. The event is a democratic festival taking place at the Danish island Bornholm, and one of the main topics this year was the #greentransition and the future need for green hydrogen production in Europe and globally.

The GreenHyScale H2020 project had a booth at European Commissions tent at the center of Folkemødet – and was represented by staff from GreenLab and Energy Cluster Denmark.

If you would like to know more about our project, do not hesitate to reach out to one of the partners:
Quantafuel Skive, Equinor, Everfuel, Siemens Gamesa, DTU – Technical University of Denmark, Green Hydrogen Systems, Imperial College London, Euroquality – Tinexta Group, Lhyfe og Energy Cluster Denmark.